Vectors & parasites

Joint spring meeting of the Belgian Society of Parasitology & Protistology (BSPP)

and the Netherlands Society of Parasitology (NVP)

Friday 20th May 2016, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam



Registration: email or online registration 

Registration fee: BSPP members 0,- (25,- fee entirely covered by BSPP); non-members 40,-; students 25,-


Buffet dinner (optional): 20,-



Full programme joint spring meeting BSPP
Adobe Acrobat Document 189.5 KB
Abstract book 2016
Abstract book BSPP 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 735.5 KB


The BSPP/NVP meeting will be held in the Education Centre (Onderwijscentrum) which is located in building 'Eg', in the south-east corner of the complex. Some general contact information can be found here

Coming by car, people could try parking at either the Westzeedijk garage (Westzeedijk 361, 3015 AA Rotterdam ), the Wytemaweg garage (Wytemaweg 12, 3015 CN Rotterdam) or the Museumpark garage (Museumpark 32, 3015CX Rotterdam). More info and fare.  

The Erasmus MC can also be reached by pubilc transport (metro, tram, bus), but please bear in mind that the metro requires one extra change if arriving at by train at Rotterdam Central station. A planner for Dutch public transport is available here. In the 'To' field, it's probably best to enter 'Erasmus MC Sophia'.

See the map for the location of the parking lots, public transport stops and the respective entrances to the hospital.

map Erasmus MC.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 141.1 KB